Monday, October 26, 2009

Pix from RM album

While looking in the club oldest album, we came a cross a number of interesting photos and decided to share it with the fans of the Madridistas

This was the club's first president Julián Palacios

The club's first crest

Real Madrid's pioneers with the must-wear caps.

The whites oldest dressing room


  1. You mention RM (or Real Madrid) as if there might be a false one represented somehow ? You did a great job of describing this countries richest facets . . . or so I thought.

    Thank you for posting and have a great day or night.

    sharing the light,
    miss erica hidvegi,
    the Enlightenment Advisor

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    hope you will visit and leave a comment.

  3. ~enlightenedpsych2~

    thanx for stoppin by,

    and im glad that u liked it ;)


    hehehe dont worry i'll add a crazy touch to it since im a gemini,

    i will definately pay a visit to ur blog and welcome to my blogspot
